Kingdom Lifestyle
Jesus came to bring the Kingdom of God, the government of heaven, back on earth. When the Holy Spirit came upon him during baptism at river Jordan, Jesus began his preaching ministry, and his first message was about the Kingdom of God. He was charged with a message of repentance because the Kingdom of heaven had come upon him – it was dwelling in him.
Whenever Jesus went, things just changed since he was full of the Kingdom of heaven. The blind regained their sight, the sick were healed, demons were cast out, there was no lack of resources, the dead were raised back to life, 5000 people were fed, and many more.
As believers who have received the Kingdom of heaven and dwells in us, we have a mandate to proclaim the Kingdom of God here on the earth. We ought to speak and preach heaven’s language because we have received the Holy Spirit, the governor in God’s kingdom and we are his temple and lives in us. This is the only way the natives of the world can associate you and me with the Kingdom of God because the government of heaven lives and manifests in us.
1 Corinthians 3:16
“Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?”
When the natives of the earth look at you and me and see you struggling with your life, worship lifestyle, lack of finances or resources, struggles in relationships, they wonder why they should enter and associate themselves with your kingdom. We should emulate the kingdom lifestyle of Jesus by proclaiming it and providing solutions to the world. Jesus didn’t experience these challenges because, as an ambassador of his Father’s kingdom, he represented the culture of heaven’s kingdom; no hunger, no thirst, calming down storms, and walking on water because these challenges don’t exist in heaven!
As believers, we should have a clear understanding and the faith that we are in the kingdom’s government, not a religion. Jesus brought down a government, not a religion. We are bound to spend most of our time having a conversation with our Father, through the Holy Spirit, so that we can hear the desires of our Father, know and understand his will and bring forth his kingdom and his will here on earth as it is in heaven.
Mathew 6:9-10
“In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name.”
This is our greatest mandate here on earth; to usher in the Kingdom of God and his will to his creation here on earth – it ought to be our kingdom lifestyle.
Jesus proclaimed and explained the Kingdom of God in parables because he wanted people to have a deep and clear understanding of his father’s business here on earth. He likened the Kingdom of God through the following:
- Parable of the mustard seed (Mark 4: 30-32)
- Parable of the sower (Mathew 13:1-9, 18-23)
- Parable of the hidden treasure (Mathew 13:44)
- Parable of the yeast (Mathew 13: 33)
- Parable of the wheat and weeds ( Mathew 13:24-30)
- Parable of the pearl (Mathew 13:45)
- Parable of the fishing net (Mathew 13:47-50)
We need to proclaim the Kingdom of God to the natives of this world and manifest it. As a matter of fact, people should look at you, admire your lifestyle, and desire to receive the Kingdom of God and enjoy their freedom. This is because when they receive the kingdom of heaven, they will be healed, their marriages will be a heaven on earth, the businesses will prosper, and they will live a liberated life.